Wednesday 15 April 2015

Brand Sales Promotion & Leveraging (MOJO)

Overview: Akij group is established by Mr. Sheikh Akij Uddin in 1950 & now it is one of the biggest companies in Bangladesh. Now the group has various type of company & various type of product all most all sector of our country. This group creates job opportunities for more than 32,000 people in various categories.When people are thirsty, which is usually short term, people tend to notice and get attracted by soft drink ads, which present their drinks in an attractive way. By tv ads and the shopping mojo cola trying to grab the attraction. When people are thirsty then they do not think what I am drinking they just remember the ads and or see the ad and buy it. Example: Near the shopping mall, cruddy area such as Stadium etc.

Sales Promotion: Sales promotion is one of the five aspects of the promotional mix. Advertising, personal selling, direct marketing and public relations are the parts of promotional mix. Sales promotions can be directed at the customer, sales staff, or distribution channel members.Sales Promotion includes Sampling, Coupon, Premiums, Contest, Refunds, Rebates, Bonus Pack’s, Price-off, Event marketing etc. Program involvement mojo targets the young generation who are more interested music, and they are serious making these people aware.


Coupons: Coupon is the oldest and most widely used way of sales promotion. Coupons have been used since 1895. It is mostly used by packaged goods.To boost up the sales not only manufacturers but also retailers personally use coupon. A coupon leads to price reductions so as to encourage price sensitive customers. Non users can try a product which may leads to regular sales. Free sampling of mojo has been done in many Universities as operand conditioning to motivate the people to make the second purchase

  Price-off: A price-off is simply a reduction in the price of the product to increase sales and is very often used when introduction a new product. A reduction in price always increases sales but the use of this technique should be carefully considered in the current market situation. Price-off is the most preferred sales promotion technique because consumers response very positively to this scheme.

Freebies: Freebies are a popular form of modern marketing and are some of the best things about the internet. The definition of freebies is products or services given away for free at no cost to the consumer. At different times, big and small companies often give away prizes and money which is too good to be true. Often it’s in the pursuit of more customers or a larger fan base and it often works. 

Scratch Cards: A scratch card is a small token, usually made of cardboard, where one or more areas contain concealed information. They are covered by a substance that cannot be seen through, but can be scratched off. It is also called a scratch off, scratch ticket. 

Bundling Offers: Product bundling is a marketing strategy that involves offering several products for sale as one combined product. A bundle of products is sometimes referred to as a package deal or a compilation or an anthology.

The mojo Cola has been targeted for the young generation is designed for fun loving young adults. They promote mojo cola :
  • Television, 
  • Newspaper,
  • Radio Today & Radio Furti,
  • Poster, shop signs & Billboards,
  • Street/road Show & Concerts
  • All are used for promotion of mojo
  • Sponsorship of different special event such as reunion.

Leveraging Brand Association: In the physical sense, leveraging is an assisted advantage. For example, as a frequently used business or marketing term, leverage is any strategic or tactical advantage. Leveraging is an indirect approach to build brand equity. The secondary approaches are mostly important when the primary approaches are deficient in some ways. For Mojo secondary associations of leveraging are:

Company: Mr. Sheikh Akij Uddin created AKIJ group as a new company in 1950. Mojo is one the food & beverage product of AKIJ group.

Celebrity Spokesperson: Celebrity endorsement advertising is defined as a well-known person using his or her fame to help promote a product or service. The celebrities market the product through TV or Radio ads, large event etc. Celebrity spokespersons are important.

Events: Sponsored events can contribute to brand equity by becoming associated to the brand & improving the strength, favor ability & uniqueness of existing association. mojo has also gone for an innovative idea during this Cricket World Cup Cricket. They have also made the world’s largest cricket bat (70 feet), which has created a big attraction of the target customers. By giving sponsorship of underground concert they and other general concert they creating awareness among the people.